Use the various photos of the promenades for reference.

I added the roof ribbing and pipework using evergreen strips and rod respectively.

For the overhead lamps, cut .040 rod into thin discs, paint a dot of silver in the center, and glue into place.

Add the lit entrance signs at the first class GSC companionways.

Grommet strips on A-deck ceilings in front of deck windows can be clearly seen in all A-deck pictures of Olympic and Titanic. These were possibly to hang canvas for added weather protection or sun shades to outboard A-deck windows. These can be seen in Triumph and Tragedy on page 124, page 77 of Titanic Voices and page 164 of Titanic and Her Sisters (photo is of Olympic). Thanks to Dan Cherry for this information



This site was created by David Cotgreave January 2000